Excessive Sweating, Headache, Fatigue By Neo Reserches.

Excessive Sweating, Headache, Fatigue By Neo Reserches.

Sweating is a normal process of body in which body sweat to reduce the temperature. All body parts contains sweat glands but some parts have more sweat glands than any other part of body like armpits, palms and soles of your body. When you do some hard jobs or exercises your body sweat. You must need not to be worry but if sweat more than normal or excessively you must need to be worry because it is not normal and it will be a life threatening situations. According to one idea 4.9 % people suffered in excessive sweating and 15 % people in only U.S.A sweat excessively than normal. Normal sweating is only occur during the summer season in extreme heat and it did not harmful much for the body. If it remains for many months even years it will become life threatening. When body sweat excessively, it washes out some essential minerals, vitamin and salts from the body. Removal of these essential minerals and salts disturb your central nervous system and also disturb your circulatory system of body. Removal of these salts and vitamin for long time make your body weak and you feel your pulse rate slow and low blood circulation in extremities. You feel headache, one side headache , When you start sweat excessively, you should need to be worry and take prescription and try some home remedies. You can treat easily when it starts but if remain sweat excessively in many months or years it becomes worst and did not cure easily.

What is over-sweating, Causes and treatment

Cold Sweating and Headache:

You know that sweating during hot day or after hard job is normal but during the cold day and night sweating is rare but some people sweat heavily during cold environment. When a person sweat excessively for longer period of time his stomach and digestive system disturb and in most people vitamin d deficiency occur. Due to vitamin d deficiency his heart rate and thyroid function also disturb and resultantly he sweat excessively during the cold environment. These people are seen sweating during the winter season and during the cold nights. When these person sweat heavily his blood circulation is also affected and he feels headache. You should treat your excessive sweating condition for living a better life.

Hot Sweating and Headache:

Excessive sweating
Excessive sweating


Thyroid gland in body is related to heat production in the body and those people who sweat excessively has disturbed thyroid function. When Thyroid gland in body not produce thyroxin hormone in normal quantity it make hypo or hyperthyroidism. If the functions of thyroid gland disturb, it will disturb the heat production in body. During the hot days, heat is produce in much quantity In body and it washes out some important mineral and ions and you feels shivering and headache. Before the treatment of excessive sweating diagnose your disease by thyroid tests. In this way you will confirm tat whether you have thyroid abnormality or you are facing the overactive sweat glands in your body, palms, sole and in armpit.

Cold Sweating and Fatigue:

There are many causes of cold Sweating like deficiency of vitamin, deficiency of minerals and salts. The main cause of cold sweating is disturbed and weak digestive system and disturbed thyroid function. Disturbance in thyroid function causes more less heat production in body. More or less heat production in body causes the excessive sweating and fatigue of muscles and tissues of body, which becomes fatal and life threatening if it not cure timely. For best cure of Hyperhidrosis you should treat it through the Iontophoresis machine or natural way because these are both effective for hyperhidrosis.

Sweating Causes Headache and dizziness:

As discussed above that removal of some essential vitamins and salts of body make it sweaty and dizzy because it disturb circulatory system and also disturb the heart function. When brain not get proper blood circulation it not get proper oxygen and resultantly you feel headache. In hypothyroidism thyroid function is effected and not produce enough energy and a man feel dizzy in this state.

Treatment of Hyperhidrosis:

Treatment of Hyperhidrosis

There are many method for the treatment of hyperhydrosis the best of all methods is the use of Iontophoresis method. iontophoresis method of treatment for hyperhydrosis is considered best of all with 90 % cure rate. For best results use iontophoresis method for three times in a day and 5 to 6 week. Some home remedies and exercises are proved best for lessening the hyperhydrosis condition.

Home Remedies:

There are many home remedies which proves very helpful in this case. In this blog I am going to discuss some important and easy home remedies of excessive sweating. All these methods will be very simple and is done by things which are easily available to you. If you have a mild symptoms of sweating, it will be treated by the use following tricks and tips.

  • By Baby Powder: Take a good baby powder from the store and apply at morning time and when you will go to bed for sleeping at night. Baby powder fill the pores of sweat glands and keep your palm and and soles dry during day and night. Keep this baby powder with you and when you will feel sweat, apply powder on sweaty palm or sole you will notice a big difference. Baby powder considers best if you have mild or moderate type of sweating.
  • Drinking Fresh Water: Drink plenty of glasses of fresh water during day so that your body temperature will not go beyond the limit to switch on the sweat glands. Drink fresh and cold water to decrease the condition of hyperhidrosis.
  • Beware of Spicy Food: Spicy food generate more heat in the body than normal so if you wanted to decrease this worsening condition, limit your spicy food. Eat simple and less spicy food so that you remain normal whole the day.
  • Wear Lose Clothes: Always use lose clothes so that your body got oxygen properly for whole day. Don’t wear tight and fitting suit during the summer season because these clothes make your body hot in little time.


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