Why should men take multivitamins ? Best Vitamins for men’s health.

Why should men take multivitamins ? Best Vitamins for men’s health.

Multivitamins are the needs of men in this age because food articles of men not fulfill the needs of vitamins for the body. Men who are living in underdeveloped countries not consume fruits and food properly . They eat those food which does not fulfill the needs of vitamins requirements. They should consume multivitamins so that their body remain active and strong for work. Multivitamins contains micro-nutrients which are required for body in smaller quantities. Micro-nutrients also contains some minerals and some metal ions. Everyone can use the multivitamins whether a man, woman, Younger, or older persons. You can use multivitamins from 15 to 95 years of age. You know that macro-nutrients are very essential for body you take in as protein form and Carbohydrate form but why micro-nutrients is essential for body. These micro-nutrients are essential and nourishment for your nails, bones, eyes, skin, muscles and for hairs. If body not get these micro-nutrients from your diet, these parts going to becomes weak day by day. Your body needs vitamin c for collagen and for gums health and your skin needs vitamin E and many others. You should think that whether your body is getting these nutrients from your diet properly. If not you should use Multivitamins for your good health. Here I shall discuss some Vitamins which are very essential for men’s health.

1. Vitamin B Complex :

Vitamin B Complex contains different Vitamin B like B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B7, B9 and B12. These vitamins B complex is important for muscle health. Vitamin B Complex is the nourishment of muscles. It makes our muscles healthy and strong. Men who are working a high energy consuming jobs feels fatigue and pain in muscles after days or weeks work. They face many sexual and physical health issues. These hardworking person should use vitamin B complex. They should use 4 weeks regularly on daily basis and after gap period of 1 month take when need arises. Those persons who have brain issue should also consume vitamin B complex because B complex is the nourishment of nerve and neurons. Men should use over the age teen for best results. If you use as in multivitamins you can take in 15 years of age. Vitamin B complex is very essential for older age people because they complain always pain problems in muscles.

Sources of Vitamin B Complex:

There are two main sources of vitamin B complex. You can get it naturally by eating this vitamin rich food like meat of beef, lamb, goat or any other meat. You can also get it by dairy products and eggs. Best source of vitamin B complex is sea food like meat of fishes.

Vitamin A:

Multivitamin supplements

Vitamin A is another important vitamin for man’s health. This vitamin is advantageous for reproductive system of male and help in fertility of men. This vitamin increase the sperm production and maturation in males. Vitamin A has the property to decrease the risk of prostate cancer so it has anti-cancerous characteristics in man. If you get Vitamin A from your daily diet, you will stay healthy physically and sexually for longer time. There is another important function of vitamin A is that it has direct link with your eyes. Deficiency of vitamin A causes eye diseases like blindness and dry eye. Too much quantity dose can create side effects like nausea, blurry vision and vomiting.

Sources of Vitamin A:

There are two sources of vitamin A one is natural source like vegetables and fruits and other is from supplements. If you can use as supplements so don’t take overdose. Take regular basis in normal quantity. Second source of Vitamin A is natural source. You can get Vitamin A from dairy products, spinach and some other leafy green vegetables. This vitamin proves best for those people who have infertility issue, pancreatic issue and eye disorders.

Vitamin E:

If you are a person with Vitamin E deficiency, you will face many type of skin diseases and infertility. Vitamin E is antioxidant and is fat soluble vitamin which has many important function for man’s health Vitamin E has ability to protect the membrane of sperm and by doing this Vitamin E saves sperm from serious damage. This vitamin with other vitamin can improves the movements of sperms in semen. There are 20 million sperms are present in one mm of semen in normal quantity. Mostly sperms are abnormal which is non functional in males. Vitamin E has ability to make sperms normal with the use of other vitamins like Vitamin C and A. Vitamin E deficiency causes vision problem, skin diseases, muscle weakness and loss of controlled body movements.

Sources of Vitamin E:

There are two sources of vitamin E, first is nutritional source like fruits, vegetables and nuts. Second source of Vitamin E is supplements. Natural source is best and you can get vitamin E from Nuts and almonds, other sources are pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, Avocado and salmon.

Vitamin C :

Vitamin C is also very important for men’s health. It make your muscle strong and boost the immune system. It helps in treating the reproductive organs issues. Vitamin C helps in increasing the testosterone level which is a sex hormone. Testosterone level boost the sexual health of man. It also helps in collagen formation in body. This vitamin decrease the symptoms of infertility in males. Vitamin C is a water soluble vitamin which does not made in your body. You should daily take it from your diet, your body needs 2000 mg vitamin c daily. Excess of vitamin C quantity can create many side effects in your body.

Sources of Vitamin C :


You can get vitamin c naturally from citrus fruits like Oranges, Grapefruit, lemon, Avocado, tomatoes, strawberry, Broccoli and cabbage. Your body needs vitamin c on daily basis because it washes out from body immediately.

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To sum up this discussion we can say that all the vitamins are necessary for men but some vitamins are necessary for daily use. Vitamin B and C are flushed out from the body with faster rate than the other so these vitamins we should got from any sources.

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